Realtor® Members
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Affiliate Members
Click here to view our list of dedicated Affiliate members that serve as partners in our Industry and a great resource to members!
To join as an Affiiate Member,
Interview at least three Realtors® before selecting one and have questions ready to learn about your Realtor®.
Ask for referrals and follow-up on them. Talk to past clients.
Choose a Realtor® with experience.
Just settle for the Realtor® asking the lowest commission.
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Buying or selling a home can be one of the largest financial decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why you need to work with a Realtor®.
Many consumers believe they’ll save money by trying to buy or sell a home themselves but research shows that a Realtor® can sell your house for more money and in a shorter time. Ninety-eight percent of buyers and sellers said Realtors® provided useful information in the real estate transaction. Realtors® have unparalleled knowledge of local market conditions and can leverage that expertise to help their clients reach their real estate goals.
A Realtor®:
Knows how to show the home best, protecting you later on if you get a difficult buyer; guides you through the financially intimidating process of buying a home; helps you determine what you can afford and how to pay for it; knows the extra costs that go beyond the “For Sale” price – like taxes, closing costs, mortgage prices and down payments.

For any inquiries, questions or concerns, please contact exec@gmcar.realtor or (800) 555-3390.